Thursday 9 June 2011

Teach Online Unit Plan : ICT in Small Business

Unit Title & Unit Summary/Overview
ICT in Small Business
This unit considers the use of Information Communications Technology within small business enterprises. It establishes key criteria as to how business decide what technology is necessary to help it run business operations as well as analyse the viability of introducing new technology for the business.

Curriculum Links
VCE Study Design
AREA OF STUDY 3 - Day-to-day operations – Outcome 3

Year Level
Year 11

Approx Time Needed
3 x 100 min lessons (double periods suggested)

Unit Foundation - Standards/Syllabus Outcomes – From VCE Study Design:
-       strategies to select appropriate hardware and software to meet small business needs;
-       possible use of available technology such as databases, spreadsheet, presentation software, Internet, podcasts, SMS, blogs or emerging technologies
-       uses of e-commerce
-       implications of the use of available technology and e-commerce such as benefits and costs to the small business
-       reasons for, and methods of, ensuring the security of technology and information
-       ethical and socially responsible management of ICT in small business.

Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question
-       Using print and online sources, research ICT day-to-day operations of a small business, what are the uses of e-commerce overall?     

Unit Questions
-       Using relevant management language, discuss how a business may select appropriate hardware and software to meet small business needs.

-       How could small business use ICT to acquire and exchange business information and ideas?

Content Questions
-       How could apply a food retailer use selected ICT in their day-to-day operations?
-       Discuss the ethical and socially responsible management of ICT in day-to-day operations

Assessment Plan
Assessment Summary -
Students will demonstrate their understanding during the delivery of content through full class discussions. They will also demonstrate their knowledge by completing summative assessment at the end of the unit.
Assessment Timeline
Before learning activities begin
While students work on learning activities
After learning activities end
-       Student should know the basics of modern day computer technology (most young people, particularly students generally will)

-       Student may have some prior knowledge of ICT in business, however not prerequisite
-       Formative assessment during reading content and application of group work e.g students directly answering teacher direct specific questions regarding content.
-       Blend of formative and summative assessment of the content at the conclusion of all classes e.g revision question/class activity


Unit Detail
Prerequisite skills:
Students prior knowledge
-       No specific technical skills required, as mainly delivery of theory
-       Basic Year 11 Literacy in reading content

Teachers professional learning:
-       Teacher should have some knowledge or background of ICT in business
-       Should have sound knowledge in rapidly changing online use of ICT on business i.e: Podcasting, Blogging etc

Teaching and Learning Activities
Strategies – (Refer to relevant PowerPoint Slides and Textbook, outlined in resources section)
Lesson Part 1:            100 mins                                                                        Timing
Brief introduction of topic
-       “Who already has an idea of the use of ICT is small business?”
5 mins
Review of Key Knowledge within VCE Study Design
-       “This is what you should know by the end of this unit”
5 mins
Outline Key Questions to class
-       “Please take down these questions, you will be able to answers these by the end of the session, please take down the extension questions also”
10 mins
 Short review of the invention of computer and their use today – YouTube clips (embedded)
10 mins
Read The Age ‘Telstra’ article (attached resource)
-       Consider relevant questions and pose to class, i.e: ask random students their understanding
15 mins
Explain the theme of today (funny pictures, used for engagement)
-       “who knows why Im showing these funny photos? How can business use these to make money?”
5 mins
Strategies to choose best technology
-       Read textbooks page 177-178
-       Ask relevant question of random students, “what does xxx mean?” (technical word)
20 mins
Different technologies
-       Read textbook pg 179-180
-       Ask relevant question of random students, “what does xxx mean?” (technical word)
-       Ensure students provide examples
20 mins
Spend the remainder of class time completing the questions suggested at the start of  the lesson. Use left over question in next session or as homework
10 mins

Lesson Part 2:            100 mins                                                                        Timing
Start with ‘refresher’ question
-       what technologies (hardware and software) might a school have to educate their students?”
20 mins
10mins discuss+10 mins reflect
In your business…
-       What technology would you need for these businesses? Where would you go to get ideas on tech for your small business?
-       Split into groups:
-       Music Shop
-       Sweets Factory
-       Pizza Shop
-       Leather Goods

15mins discuss+10 mins reflect
Read The Age (second) article
-       In Groups read the sections, then:
-       1 - Summarise
-       2 - Present back to the class
-       3 - Prepare a question to ask the teacher regarding your article section

30 mins
15mins read+15 mins reflect
Watch YouTube clip (refresh engagement) (embedded in ppt)
5 mins
Complete Pop Quiz (under test conditions)
10-15 mins
Watch YouTube clip (reward for Pop Quiz (embedded in ppt)
5 mins
Use remainder of class to:
-       Finish chapter summary questions/revision
-       Browse the Internet for good examples of small business websites

5-10 mins

Lesson Part 3:            100 mins                                                                        Timing
Brief overview of the outline of the lesson
5 mins
Read E-commerce, implications and security pg 187
-       Ask relevant question of random students, “what does xxx mean?” (technical word)
-       Ensure students provide examples
10 mins
Read viruses and Privacy pg 188-189
-       Ask relevant question of random students, “what does xxx mean?” (technical word)
-       Ensure students provide examples
15 mins
Read Blogging + Podcasting pg 184/5
-       Ask relevant question of random students, “what does xxx mean?” (technical word)
-       Ensure students provide examples
15 mins
Read Ethical and socially responsible uses pg 190
In made up business groups:
“devise your companies internet and computer use policy in two or more sentences in the areas of:
-       Email communication (employee use)
-       Identity fraud (what you will do to stop it)
-       Cyber bullying (employee use)
Review Key Knowledge
-       “how many people can say that they can answer this now?”
10 mins
Review Unit Summary answering questions
Answer as:
-       class discussion
-       Summative assessment

Materials and Resources Required for Unit
-       Laptop to run PPT slides
-       Projector
-       Speakers for embedded movies

Technology  - Software
-       Operating system that will run PPT and web browsing
-       Microsoft PowerPoint
-       Web Browser capable of streaming YouTube clips

Printed Materials
Attached PDF articles (x 2)
Textbook –
Essential VCE Business Management Units 1 & 2
2nd Edition By Gillian Somers, Julie Cain and Megan Jeffery
Chapter 11 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Business Pg 178 – 194

Internet Resources/Communication Tools –
YouTube movie (embedded within PPT slides)

Other Resources

Unit Author:
Brendan McGreal
BBus Comm (Tourism)
(MTeach Student Candidate, University of Melbourne)

You can view/download the PowerPoint slides here:
(copy and paste this link into your web browser)

You can view/download this Unit Oultine as a PDF document here:
(copy and paste this link into your web browser)

You can view/download the articles here:
(copy and paste this link into your web browser)


  1. This is an excellent unit plan, i like it. I got a question, what software or ICT do students use in the activities?

  2. Hey Brend this looks good. I really like the way you have planned this all out. What kind of assessment were you planning for this? Just the standard kind of test?
