Monday 25 April 2011

"Oh cool!, you've got a mobile? What company you with?" > "VODAFAIL" - Terrible doesnt begin to describe it...

Communication in business plays a particularly large part in success, so its no wonder why, when small  businesses within Australia have their mobile phone network unavailable on regular occasions, they might reconsider choosing price over quality!

According to ABC News, Telecommunications company Vodafone has apologised for a nationwide network problem which left some customers unable to make phone calls or send text messages. Admitting earlier this year in February "that it needed do more for its customers", the company has been plagued with glitches and is facing a genuine class action from disgruntled customers who are fed up with repeated service problems.

Customers have taken to social netwroking sites sich as Facebook and Twitter to vent their frustration, one customer wrote: "Vodafone you will now and forever be known as #vodafail you bunch of halfwits", wrote Twitter user @AmyBromhead.

Communication, ICT product selection, Price vs Quality

1) Why is it so important for business managers to correctly select of type of communicaiton system in running their business?
2) Imagine you are a running your own small business, using the Internet or Electronics brochures/magazines, devise and mind-map your selection process for selecting a new communication product. For example a new mobile phone - how much should you spend?, what do you need to use it for?, what features should it have?

Read the full article here:

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