Friday 22 April 2011

PlayStation Network HACKED!

Internet Security is a massive issue within small businesses of Australia, so when Sony (one of the biggest electronics companies in the WORLD!) confirmed their PlayStation network had been compromised, a BIG wake up call was sounded your average Mum and Dad running their own small business, who could quite easily suffer the same fate...

It was some very cunning hacking undertaken by computer experts, which was to blame for the PlayStation Network being taken offline. The PlayStation Network is used by owners of PS3 and PlayStation Portable machines to download games, films and music, as well as to play online with friends. Sony took the PSN down voluntarily while it investigated an "external intrusion". Users trying to connect to the network have been met with error messages stating that the network is "undergoing maintenance" or is "suspended".

It's not 'Gaming Scores' and 'Personal Gaming Achievements' that account holders are worried about, more the fact, according to Sony, more than 70m accounts registered worldwide are now exposed, all including extremely personal information such as Names, Address and more worrying - Credit Card and Bank Account details

Sony, in their blog post, thanked users for their patience and assured them that it was working "around the clock" to strengthen the network infrastructure. "Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security," wrote Mr Seybold, the company's senior director of corporate communications and social media.

ICT in small business, Internet Security, Staff training in new systems, Appropriate use of IT in business by staff

1) What can businesses worldwide learn from this breach into the files of the PlayStation network?
2) What can businesses do to stop/minimize their own levels of risk when it comes to having parts of their business online?

Read the full article here:

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