Friday 6 May 2011

Investing in Women > its a sure thing!

Today we are going to have a look at an article retrospectively, as the theme within it is a very important aspect of modern business studies. Yesterday during my placement, my Year 11 Business Management class focused on the concept of the Staffing and the Recruitment Process within businesses. One very effective topic in creating engagement and full class participation is the area of Equal Employment Opportunity and women within the workforce.

In an article written by US Secretry of State Hilary Clinton within the Sydney Morning Herald, she exclaims one of the biggest growth markets in the world is not Green Technology, or even Space Technology, its Women! Yet even being one of the most significant emerging markets, it hasn't received the attention it deserves

Clinton goes on to state, "there are more than 200 million women entrepreneurs worldwide. Women earn more than $US10 trillion every year, which is expected to grow by $US5 trillion over the next several years". In many developing countries, women's incomes are growing faster than men's.
Facts such as these should persuade governments and business leaders worldwide to see investing in women as a strategy for job creation and economic growth. Many are doing so. Yet the pool of talented women is underutilised, underpaid and underrepresented in business and society.

EEO, Recruitment and Selection, Employee Cycle, Human Resources

1) What might companies do to ensure they have an equal selection process, so that all people are fairly considered upon their suitability for a role?
2) How may having a strong female presence and women in higher roles and affect the way that customers might perceive that company?

Read the entire article here:

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