Monday 16 May 2011

"Oh the PlayStation Network is back up again!? Cool!!" > "Wheres my controller? Pick up them sticks!"

In a earlier post within this blog site I reported on the damaging effect a lack of Internet Security can have on a business, witnessed through Sony's security breach of their PlayStation Network, resulting in millions of users having their personal details compromised. I though it be fitting to see how one of the biggest companies in the electronics industry "bounced back", creating positive public relations for itself and "get back in the game"so to speak *hehe*

According to US based the PlayStation Network is slowly being restored across the United States, however it will take some time and work to re-gain access to user account. ZDnet goes on; "users in the following states should be able to log back into the PSN: California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine." Before playing, Sony has announced users will need to update your firmware to version 3.61, which is available for download on Sony’s website or on your PS3 when you power it up.

Sony has used an impressive Public Relaiton campaign in addressing the state of the Network to its customer (see the video included in the full article at the bottom of this post) According to the video, Sony’s representative CEO and executive deputy president, Kazuo Hirai, has exclaimed part of the delay with this relaunch was the implementation of updated security measures like “advanced security technology, increased levels of encryption, additional firewalls and early warning detection systems to warn of any usual activities that can signal an attack on the network.”

Contingency management, public relations, customer loyalty programs

1) What did Sony do to create customer loyalty and inform their customer base of what happened? What have they promised in the future? How can they gaurentee this to their customers?
2) What can businesses do to ensure they have effective levels of security within their online operations? If you were running a business, how would you seek professional assistance in the area of IT security?

Read the full article:

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